About: Range Questions
Request a number, for example: between 1 and 15, a time in the last 24 hours, or a day in the next month, using the different types of range questions.
We explain each option and how it looks in the mEMA App in this article.
1 Set Up
Each style of range question requires a minimum and maximum value.
Minimum Value: Here enter the lowest value that is allowable as an answer. In the example below the question asks for a number between 1 and 100 so in the minimum value field you would enter "1".
Maximum Value: Here enter the highest value that is allowable as an answer. In the example below the question asks for a number between 1 and 100 so in the maximum value field you would enter "100".
Question Editing Wizard

Types of Range Questions
Details on each style of range question and how to use it.

In Survey Editor
In mEMA App
Asks for a date between two set dates. The box will automatically format the date correctly.
This option can be set to reflect the current date by entering "yesterday" or "tomorrow".
Disregard the "precision" value in this type.
In Survey Editor
In mEMA App
Asks for both a date and a time.
Disregard the "precision" value in this type.
In Survey Editor
In mEMA App
Duration Range
Allow the respondent to enter an amount of time. Specify the units of measurement and potential range.
We recommend selecting up to three units of time measurement, more will not fit on most phone screens.
In Survey Editor
In mEMA App
Reference Answer
Use answers to previous questions as the parameters for the next question.
Set this question up in the same way one would a dependency. Enter, within brackets, the question numbers whose answers you want use as the range parameters. It is necessary to use the same unit (integer for example) for all the questions involved in this type of range question.
Disregard the "precision" value in this type.
In Survey Editor
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