Columns in Data Table

a) Instance_key: this variable combines the unix timestamp and the subject ID. If this is not useful to you then you can simply delete this column from the Excel sheet.

b) Subject_id: this is the subject ID. You can cross reference this with their Screen Name and Mobile Code in the People Finder Tool.

c) Respondent_id: this is the respondent ID, in your study this will always be the same as the Subject ID so again you can delete this column.

d) Timestamp: this is the timestamp of the survey instance in UNIX format. For Momentary, Repeating and Scheduled assignment types this timestamp is the time the first notification was sent. For on-demand assignment times this timestamp is the time they first touched the green plus icon to start the survey.

e) Local_date: the timestamp converted into date / time format and local time zone as recorded by the subject's phone when they took the survey. This only appears if you select "Show local TS" when you generate the table.

f) Survey_id: this identifies which survey the dataset is for.

g) Timezone_offset: the number of minutes from GMT of the timezone of this subject when they took the survey.

h) Long. & Lat: these show the GPS coordinates of the phone at the time the survey was taken (and appear only if you select "show location" when you generate the data table).