How To: Insert Links 

Direct participants to another website from the mEMA App

1 Start by creating the hyperlink:

  • In brackets [  ] 
  • Type the website URL 
    • Starting with https://
    • Important. The hyperlink may not work if it begins with http://
  • Insert a Vertical Bar
    • found on the \ button above the "return" key on your keyboard.
  • Type the text that will represent the link
    •  "click here" for example

Example: If the website we wanted to direct the participant to was and "Here" is our text, this is what the hyperlink should look like:


2 Enter this hyperlink into the long text of the question.

3 When the link is clicked in the app, a sub-window with the website will appear while the survey remains suspended behind it.


4 Simply click "Hide Page" across the top of the browser window to return to the survey in the mEMA App.