New Question Type: Time

Allow users to select a simple AM or PM time from dropdown menu.

1) In the Survey Editor, find the Time option at the bottom of the list of question types.

2) Enter the phrasing for the question in the Long Text field.

3) The question shows as a dropdown which then opens the device's native time-picking interface. 

Note: Whether that time is set to 12-hour or 24-hour is dependent on the participant phone's settings.

12 Hour
24 Hour
Sample Android 9
Sample iOS 12.4

4) The Flat Data File generates two columns

  • The first will show the analytics code plus _TIME 
    • This shows the integers the participant selected
  • The second will show the analytics code plus _TS
    • This is a UNIX timestamp which can be translated to show the specific date and time in any time zone