Common Survey Building Errors

  1. Writing analytic codes

    1. Analytics Codes must always be written in capital letters with no spaces.

    2. An underscore “_” can be used in place of a space

    3. Make sure each Analytics Code within a survey is unique. 

  2. Duplicate analytic code

    1. Replicated Analytics codes will overwrite each other and neither column will appear or the second column will be appended with _1. It's best to set things up so that each analytics code in the survey is unique

  3. Changes to the questions

    1. If you change a question short text, you may also need to change the analytic code. Changing the analytics code will automatically change the column headers in the Flat Data File. This may cause confusion with the analysis when someone looks at the data.

    2. Any structural changes to questions made after data collection has started will impact the Flat Data File. Deleting a question from the Survey Editor deletes it from the Flat Data Table along with any previously collected data. Similarly, deleting a response option will remove it and all associated data from the Flat Data Table. Questions can be “retired” from the survey by making them dependent on an impossible number rather than deleting them.

  4. Creating illogical dependencies

    1. Could cause a loop or skip responses that were meant to be answered or cause the app to hang up on one survey question.

  5. Insert your own images

    1. You will need to add your own images for each survey. There are no stock photos and pictures do not transfer from one survey to the next.


  6. Randomizing questions

    1. Randomizing can cause questions to be skipped. You can set the system to present a randomly selected subset of questions in a survey across the course of a multi-day study. The app will present the participant with a number of randomly selected questions from the total possible pool in the section at each instance. In the next instance the system will present other questions but not any that have already been presented to that user.


  7. Multiple Selection and Matrix Questions

    1. Remember in Multiple Selection and Matrix question types it's the Analytics codes of the RESPONSES (not the question) that form the column headings in the Flat Data File. 

    2. In these question types be aware when creating questions dependent on them. The Value of the question is the SUM of all selected answers. Often you will want the dependent question to be dependent on the Value of one or more specific responses (not on the Value of the entire question).

  8. Note: Significant changes to survey structures and data types should never be made after a survey has been used to collect live data. This can break the data already collected.

    • If changes are required after data collection has begun, the survey should be copy and pasted, and the changes made to the new copy.

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