Garmin Sleep Data

This guide will help you set up Garmin Sleep Data Collection for your study participants. Follow the steps below to link Garmin devices and gather sleep data effectively.

Step 1: Ensure You Have a Mobile Code

Before you begin, make sure you have a mobile code created for each participant.

Step 2: Register Garmin Companion

  1. Go to the My mEMA dropdown menu.
  2. Select Garmin Companion Registration.

Step 3: Input Mobile Code

  1. Enter the mobile code for the participant. Note that you can only do one at a time.
  2. You will be redirected to the Garmin website.

Step 4: Garmin Connect Login

  1. On the Garmin website, input the participant's Garmin Connect login credentials. (if they have not created their credentials, follow Steps 5 and 6)

Step 5: Create a Free Garmin Account (if necessary)

  1. Participants can use a temporary email generator website to create a temporary email address. This website is a good option for this:
  2. Use this email to create a free Garmin account on the Garmin Connect app.

Step 6: Link Mobile Code to Garmin Connect App

  1. Ensure the participant has created their free account on the Garmin Connect app on their phone.
  2. Once done, input their credentials on the Garmin Connect website to link their mobile code to the app.

Step 7: Set Up Sleep Schedule on Garmin Connect App

  1. We recommend participants set up their sleep schedule on the Garmin Connect app for more accurate sleep data.

Step 8: Data Processing Time

  • Note that it can take 12-36 hours for Garmin to process sleep data and send it to our system.
  • The data is not received in real-time due to Garmin's processing algorithm.

Step 9: No Real-Time Triggers

  • You cannot set Garmin triggers based on sleep data because it is not real-time.

Step 10: Download Sleep Data

  1. Go to the My mEMA dropdown menu and select Garmin Health API Data.

  1. A list of participants' mobile codes will appear. Only those linked to the Garmin website will be selectable.

  1. Select the mobile codes you want sleep data for, set the date range, and click on Generate Report.

  1. Download the generated CSV file

Step 11: Understanding the Data

  • If you have multiple rows for the same night of sleep, it’s because Garmin may initially provide less accurate data, followed by a more accurate set.
  • The most accurate set of data will be the row with the longest total sleep minutes for each day.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up and collect Garmin sleep data for your research participants. If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team for assistance.